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Rome, founded in 753 BCE, has a rich history involving conquest, defeat, prosperity, and hardships. For the Latin III Exam, you will need to know prominent people and events from the Roman Republic and early Empire (through the Julio Claudian emperors).

Prominent People from the Roman Republic and Early Empire

Prominent Persons


Pyrrhus was the king of Epirus who lived from 319 BCE to 272 BCE. He carried out successful attacks against Macedonia and Rome, but suffered enormous casualties by doing so. The term Pyrrhic Victory means a victory at a cost. The sacrifice made is not worth what is gained by the victory.


Gaius Marius was a Roman General, and then Roman Consul seven times. He was born 157 BCE and he died in 86 BCE. Marius is best known for successfully defending against attacks by German tribes. He was called the third founder of Rome for his military success in defending Rome. He was important to the transformation of Rome from a republic to an Empire.


Sulla was another Roman General who was consul twice. He also introduced a new judicial device called 'proscription'. Which was the publication of lists of people that he deemed undesirable. He gave rewards to those who brought them in, be they dead or alive. Using this method be was able to eliminate political rivals. He is also known for his grass crown, which is one of the highest military awards.


Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (Pompey the Great) lived from 106 BCE to 48 BCE. He was a general and a statesman during the later years of the Roman Republic. He was part of the triumvirate, which is a group of three officials. Each group served a different purpose. He both worked with and then opposed Julius Caesar. He added Magnus to his name, which is a cognomen, after the troops he had in Africa called him Magnus, which means: the great.


Livia Drusilla was the wife of Caesar Augustus. She had a large influence over the State through Augustus. She used this influence to ensure that her son, Tiberius, would succeed Augustus as Emperor. She is attributed to the deaths of: Germanicus, Gaius Caesar, Lucius Caesar, Agrippa Postumus, and Marcus Claudius Marcellus, who were rivals of Augustus. She was first married to Tiberius Claudius Nero, who was her cousin. While married to Tiberius Claudius Nero she birthed Tiberius and Nero Claudius Drusus who was not born until Octavian (Augustus) arranged for her to divorce Tiberius Claudius Nero and marry him. When Augustus died, through his will he adopted Livia, and she became Julia Augusta. Livia was very important in the cult of a deified version of Augustus, and she herself would later be deified. She was also known for being beautiful. Livia lived from 58 BCE to 29 AD.


Tiberius was the first son of Livia and Tiberius Claudius Nero; he was later adopted by Augustus when Livia married Augustus. He was the second emperor of Rome. During his rule, he tried to maintain Augustus’ imperial boundaries and institutions. However, towards the end of his life, he ruled as a tyrant and a recluse, and dispensed a reign of terror unto the Roman people of the highest social class. Tiberius lived from 42 BCE to 37 AD.


Nero was the fifth emperor of Rome. He was the heir of the Roman emperor Claudius, as well as his stepson. He was not a good emperor, and was hated for his excessive personal lavishness, as well as (although it is not proven), burning down Rome, which he blamed on the Christians. It is suspected that he burned Rome in order to build his huge palace, which was extremely extravagant. Nero lived from 37 AD to 68 AD.


Prominent Events

Prominent Events from the Roman Republic and Early Empire

The Battle of Cannae

The Battle of Cannae took place during the August of 216 BCE. It took place at Cannae, which is an ancient village in south Apulia, in the southeastern part of Italy. It was a part of the Second Punic War, and featured Rome vs. Carthage. Carthage, led by Hannibal, defeated Rome. It was one of the most important battles of all time. Hannibal utilized double envelopment, which is a battle strategy where your troops split into two groups and attack the enemy from both sides.

The Battle of Actium

The Battle of Actium took place on September 2nd, 31 BCE. It was a naval battle fought between Augustus and Marc Antony. The battle was won by Augustus, and through this victory he became the ruler of Rome. This battle took place in the water surrounding a peninsula in northern Acarnania, which is on Greece’s west coast. It was a close battle until Cleopatra (fighting on Marc Antony’s side) retreated her ships, and so, Marc Antony followed with some of his ships. The ships of Marc Antony, which were left in battle, were soon forced to surrender to Augustus.


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