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Latin in Use

Oral Latin:


Plaudite omnes - Cheer for all

Me paenitet - I'm sorry

Ut bene scis - As you know well

Ignosce mihi - Forgive me

Vita excedere - To depart from life or To die

Per deorum fidem - For heaven sake

Quaeso - Please

Mirum est - That's strange

Magna res non est - It's not important




Expressions, Mottoes, Abbreviations:


Pyrrhic victory - a victory won, but at such great costs that the damage done to oneself outweighs the prize


Crossing the Rubicon - to pass a point of no return 

  • It is referring to when Caesar's army crossed the Rubicon in 49 B.C., which was considered an act of treason.


Ad hominem - to the human, specifically meaning a personal shot taken on someone 

  • For example, a politician bringing up an opponent's family issues.


Q.E.D, or Quod erat demonstrandum - which was the thing to be demonstrated





A quiz on all Oral Latin II-III/IV Poetry can be found on III/IV Poetry page
Oral Latin

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