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Roman Life

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The Roman calendar consisted of three main parts: kalends, nones, and ides. Kalends signified the start of the new moon cycle and was always the first day of the month. Nones were the days of the half moon, which usually fell around 8 days before the Ides. Ides occured on the 15th day of the month during March, May, July, and October, and the 13th day of the other months.


Other terms the Romans used were pridie - the day before, and ante diem - the day after




Augures were priests who would predict the future and interpret omens by studying the flight patterns of birds.

The pontifex maximus was the highest priest in the temple. Their main tast was to maintain the pax deorum - the peace with the gods. They did this by giving advise to magistrates, interpreting omens, controlling the calendar, and overseeing funerals.


There were two consuls elected for a one year term. They served as the supreme, civil and military magistrates or Rome during the Republic
dictator was elected in times of military crisis. His terms was set to 6 months, but he usually served until the crisis was over.
 A praetor was a judicial officer who had broad authority in cases of equity, was responsible for the production of the public games, and, in the absence of consuls, exercised extensive authority in the government.

A tribune of the plebs was the first officeof the Roman state open to te plebeians, it was basically like a court house. A military tribune was a n officer of the Roman Army who ranked below the legate and above the centurion. 

A fasces bundle of wooden rods sometimes including an ae with its blade. Its origin is in the etruscan civilization and was passed on to ancient rome, it symbolized magistrates powerand jurisdiction.

The equites was the social ranking that was below the patricians. 

Military Terms 

Legio means "the legion" which is the entire Roman army . The legion was small usually about 1000 to 15000 men, but it was one of the best armies ever. 

Military Terms

Castras were buildings or plots of land reserved for or constructed for use as a military defensive position. 

In a Roman army, being a legatus is the equivalent to being a modern day general officer. A senatorial rank, but his superior was the proconsul and a legatus outranks all military tribunes. 

An impedimenta were vital supplies that were transferred in a convoy along with soldiers. at least 1400 donkeys and hundreds of wagons accompanied with each legion. 


A Roman wedding is where a girl from the age of 12-14 gets married to a man chosen by the brides father. The brides father would host the ceremony and was held on a lucky day to avoid any bad omens. 


A Roman funeral was held at night to prevent public gatherings and discourage crowds and excessive mourning. Cremation would occur and a euology was given and a family memeber would claim the ashes in an urn. 

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